The other day I received a text from a friend. They had found out the ABC Nightline was going to air something on Human Trafficking in the Philippines. Being a person that is going to the Philippines to set people free and fight to end Human Trafficking the story got my attention. I went to find the story and video for it and was just shocked by the title. “Americans Targeted for Allegedly Running Underage Prostitution in the Philippines” (click title to be taken to the story).
I was deeply upset from reading this article. How could anyone do this to another person? Where are your morals, you conscience? The man in the article was from America, and many people here in America know it is wrong to have sex with a 16 year old, let alone sell her to other people, and as this man talks about it on hidden camera he is laughing about it. I am very happy to see the Filipino authorities and American law enforcement working together to bring this guy down and set those girls free. It is stories like this that make me want to go to the Philippines, to fight this injustice that is being done, to set people free from this nightmare that at times they don’t even know they are in. These ladies are trapped in a never ending lifestyle, sold for sex each night, so they can eat or take care of their families. They are owned by these bar owners, unable to leave. This is why I am called to the Philippines, to bring hope. To let them know there is a way out, to set them free from this slavery. Bring them into a place a safety, empowering them, and showing them the love Jesus has for each of them. I want to see the end of these heart wrenching stories of human trafficking. I want to see that number of 27 million victims get smaller. I want to set people free. I want to help people start a new life in freedom. Will you join me in saving a life?
Joshua Robinson
August 2020