April's Showers
These last few days have been full of rain. The creek in my backyard has flooded and my room has water in it. But the thing is the rain is needed, it brings life. The deadness of winter is over and it is time for the flowers to grow and leaves to show up on the trees. The rain has a way of cleaning things as well. But how does this apply to us? The past couple of weeks I really haven't been myself. I am usually a glass overflowing kind of person. No matter what happens I find a way to see it in a positive way. But in these last couple of weeks, that went away. I became unmotivated to a point that I simply did not want to get out of bed. I had a lack on interest in things I like and my mind was full of questions. Questions I still do not have answers for. Now, as always when I am in a funk, not feeling myself, I get into my iTunes and just play some music. I created a playlist of about 2 hours worth of worship music. Yes during this time I allow my thoughts to run. But then comes the silence. And the time that you just to sing along with a song and feel the emotions that go with it. When you are singing to the Father words like, "Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain, that I can't control, I want more of you God, I want more of you God." And you allow what your singing to sink in, wow, God is moving in that moment. It was here that I just sank into more of the love God has for me. Spending time in God's presence is much like the showers we see outside, it is necessary for us to have. It is a time that we get to spend time with our Father in heaven and draw closer to Him. It is a time of learning and growing. The rain is needed to help the plants just as we need to spend time in God's presence. So the next time you are not feeling yourself or you are struggling, jump out into the rainstorm of God's presence and spend time with Him. God has your back, have faith He will take care of you.
Joshua Robinson
August 2020