Today is Father’s Day. This is the first one that I get to celebrate as a father. Just six months ago I was blessed to have a little boy join the lives of my wife and I and it has been an adventure. As I sit here this morning typing this post while my family is still sleeping I get a chance to wonder about dads and what it takes to be a great dad.
The best example that we have as the best father ever is that of God. He is the perfect father to everyone. Last week during Sunday School at the church I was able to lead the class and we studied the Parable of the Prodigal Son that is found in Luke 15:11-32. In this story we see a boy demand from his father to give him what he is going to get when his father passes. The father loves his son so much that he fulfills the request and allows his son to do what he pleases. Much like that of what God allows when He does not control us but allows us to exercise free will. When the son lives his life and has nothing left and finds himself eating with the pigs he decides to go home and ask to be a servant. When he was still walking the father saw him and ran to him. He treated his son with a hg and a kiss. He forgave him and restored him to the family. This is exactly what our Father in Heaven does for us. He always loves us no matter what we do and is there to restore our relationship with him every time we mess up. This is the love that we should show to our families. We know they will make mistakes. While my son is this cute little six month old now that smiles and sleeps all the time, he will grow up. No matter what he does it is my duty as the father to love him and to continue to restore him to this family. Same with my wife as well. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Yet it is the love of Christ that flows within us that allows us to forgive others as Christ forgave us and to restore that relationship. As we go about this Father’s day let us thank them men in out lives that raise us to be the people we are today. Let us also thank our Father in Heaven for the love he pours onto us every moment. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY.
Joshua Robinson
August 2020