When I did the world race, there was something we said to each other when we were having a bad day. It was, “put your positive pants on.” Other than making you laugh at times it was a quick reminder to look at the good in the situation. In the last few weeks I had to remind myself of this again.
If there is one word to describe the last few weeks it would be busy. Since the Memorial Day holiday, I have been working at my temp job a lot. Currently Averaging over 50 hours a week. It is insane. Most days are 10 hour shifts. I am awake at 4:30 am, head out the door an hour later, and return home just before 5 pm. It makes for a long day, and the heat and humidity does not help at all either. Once home its a quick shower and dinner before doing a few things in my room before heading to bed. Sundays tend to be for sure day off each week.
Joshua Robinson
August 2020