David was born on December 28, 2017. It has been two weeks since his arrival and my wife and I are still getting use to the new adjustment in our life. I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday. We just had a visit with the OBGYN the day before. They told her she was 3.5 cm dilated and told her our baby most likely will arrive early and soon. They told her to keep track of her contractions and if it gets bad make our way to the hospital. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. The next day I went to work as usual. Said goodbye to my wife and gave her a kiss before making my way out of the door. When I knew she would be awake I asked her how she was feeling. She said great but she was had some contractions. I asked her what the time between was and she didn’t know and was not keeping count. I had to remind her that it was important that she did that. Later in the afternoon she called me in pain. I called my mom to go over to our apartment since she lives only a couple minutes away. As for me, I started to plan my work day to get me closer to home. I got called by my mom and she told me I should get home and get my wife to the hospital. Being close to home I closed out my last task and drove home informing my supervisor I was leaving early. I got home and was able to take my wife to the hospital where they did not even wait for the doctor to arrive to admit us. The nurse looked at us and said we are in labor and that we would be admitted. They moved us to our room and we prepared for the arrival of our son. My wife did not take any pain medication and while delivering our child did not even scream. I am very proud of her. After an hour of pushing little David made his way out and took his first breath. We were parents and thankful that God has blessed us with our son. After spending the required time in the hospital for recovery we made our way home with our little bundle of joy. And he was bundled as it was extremely cold outdoors. In these first weeks we have been learning. We had to learn when we could get our sleep. How to change some nasty poopy diapers. We had to figure out how to know the baby was hungry. It has been a challenge. However, I would not change it for anything in the world.
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Joshua Robinson
August 2020